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In this episode, we’re continuing our Grow Past Your Thresholds series and talking about the $1M - $3M phase, which we’re calling ‘What Have I Done?’ As your shop reaches this phase, you’re likely to face issues with consistent sales, hiring quality employees, and getting administrative tasks off your plate. Listen for our tips about how to navigate through this phase quicker.
In this episode, we’re continuing our Grow Past Your Thresholds series and talking about The Good Old Days. In this phase, shops usually make $500k - $1m. We’re sharing some of the challenges that businesses often face in this phase, as well as strategies to help you push past the barriers in this phase quicker.
In our last episode, we outlined the various thresholds that cabinet shop owners go through. This week, we’re diving into the first threshold, The Honeymoon Phase. What’s a shop owner’s mindset like during this phase? What mistakes are they likely to make, and what are the key takeaways for anyone trying to grow past this stage? Listen to find out.
Capital, experience, and talent do make growth easier, but they’re not what actually gets you past your growth thresholds. Your WHY is what gives you the motivation to grow and push thru your thresholds. In this episode, we’re talking about five common phases that shop owners go thru. We’ll share some of the challenges you may face in each phase, plus strategies for getting thru them easier.
Lean has transformed Jeff’s business. In this episode, he’ll share how he got started with Lean, plus six ways that it adds value to his shop. You’ll even find out how to get started with Lean in your shop today.
We’re launching a new format of The Push Thru Podcast!
Our goal is to create a community of business owners in the woodworking industry so we can share strategies for how to grow your business. There’s a time and place for talking tools, but that’s not our focus on The Push Thru. We want to focus on education so you can take the fear and mystery out of taking that next step to build your business.
This week we discuss how Mike turned the equation on its head to put profit first. Mike explains how small businesses that operate with profit as their priority are able to actually achieve their desired level of profit.
This week we discuss sustainability in the woodworking industry with Michael Dalle Molle.
This week we talked to Whitney Pyle, the co-owner of three successful businesses about the lack of diversity in the woodworking industry, as well as reasons why diversity should be a priority for manufacturing businesses.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” As a continuation from part one, we cover the main steps to building a strong growth plan that will move your company forward, with a purpose and a sense of direction.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” As a continuation from part one, we cover the main steps to building a strong growth plan that will move your company forward, with a purpose and a sense of direction.
“If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up somewhere else.” As a continuation from part one, we cover the main steps to building a strong growth plan that will move your company forward, with a purpose and a sense of direction.
Fred Koelling, one of the founding members behind the success of Lockdowel, explains some of the failures and hardships the company has endured while interrupting the woodworking industry. Fred will be the first to tell you that innovation is always met with resistance. Listen in to our conversation with Fred to learn how to Push Thru the challenges of innovation.
Brady Lewis started working for the family cabinet door business, Lewis Cabinet Specialties, years ago. However, it was early on that he noticed there was a better way to do redundant tasks, so he turned to the computer. What began as makeshift spreadsheets has evolved into an industry changing online ordering system that brings outsourcing into the modern era: AllMoxy.
AllMoxy is easily the most robust solution for component providers anywhere. But it didn't happen overnight.
Our conversation with Brady digs into the journey of creating AllMoxy and how continuous improvement can help every business owner Push Thru the barriers and thrive regardless of the outside circumstances.
If you don’t have a vision for where you are going, how do you intend to get there?
Martin Holland has devoted his last several years sharing his unique views and experiences with business owners to help reduce their stress and increase the performance of their business. In this conversation with Martin, we tackle the importance of having a clear and intentional vision. A vision draws a very long line that you should not be able to see the end of. When the line is drawn, every decision for the business reflects back to make sure it reconciles with the vision.
When the Lewis brothers and their family all thought deeply about their ‘why’ and got to the core of what they desired, there was a common thread.
It wasn’t about sales volume, new machinery, bigger building; it was about people. The common thread they all share is their love for people.
This episode's conversation with Beau Lewis takes a deeper look at how focusing on the people in our business will help us to excel across the board.
We are proud to introduce to you The Push Thru Podcast!
The Push Thru is the constant state we are in as business owners.
There are neverending barriers we face when running our businesses and we can only get past them with the drive, direction, and mindset of continuous improvement. We will always have to Push Thru.
Our goal with the Push Thru Podcast is to equip business owners in our industry with the knowledge and tools necessary to Push Thru their own barriers.
Each week we interview an industry or business leader to learn from their experience, mistakes, and success to inspire and encourage us to be better at our craft.
We invite you to join us for the ride.